

Throughout her successful 30 year career, Trudy Kortes has developed a unique speaking style and brand of leadership, championing compelling tools that elevate leaders and their ability to connect. Her strong reputation for maneuvering technically challenging and complex workplace dynamics to meet objectives and empower leaders and teams is indisputable. And as the winner of the 2017 NASA Headquarters talent show for stand-up comedy, it is her authentic, relatable presence that is perhaps most powerful.

Trudy offers speaking, panel moderation, career mentoring, and consulting services on a variety of leadership and workplace topics. Her focus is on helping women in STEM fields excel and raising across-the-board awareness of the challenges faced along the way as a means to help shift the collective mindset towards one of a healthy, holistic work environment that can meet the demands of a changing world.

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I worked closely with Trudy on an interagency consortium and witnessed her superb ability to work through and manage complicated issues. She has a special ability to collaborate and lead in tough situations. She has extensive experience successfully maneuvering the dynamics of technical complexity and political sensitivities, with broad-reaching applicability to leadership and teamwork.
— Pam Melroy, Owner and CEO of Melroy & Hollett Technology Partners
Trudy demonstrates the best in leaders from my perspective. A passion for whatever task she has, ability to actively listen, and a keen sense of humor. Her style makes her immediately approachable and instills a sense of confidence in her ability to take on anything.
— Robert Lightfoot, Vice President, Strategy & Business Development, Lockheed Martin Space
I’ve personally witnessed Trudy’s significant impact on an organization. Her positive outlook and teamwork foster camaraderie among diverse individuals working towards the same goals. She really cares about the people around her and our organization was better for it.
— High-level leader and former colleague